Jiangxi Changyi Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.

Method of Iron Ore Beneficiation - Ore Dressing Process of Siderite

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  • In this article, Changyi will bring you the common technological processes of siderite, ilmenite and chromite.
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In this article, Changyi will bring you the common technological processes of siderite, ilmenite and chromite.

Ore dressing process of siderite

Siderite is a widely distributed mineral, whose composition is ferrous carbonate. The crystals are rhombic, short columnar or triangular, and the aggregates are granular, earthy and dense. When a large amount of siderite accumulates and the content of harmful impurities is low, it can be used as iron ore.

1. roasting: magnetic separation technology

1) principle of magnetization roasting: the material or ore is heated to a certain temperature and then undergoes physical and chemical reaction in the corresponding atmosphere, and the weakly magnetic siderite is thermally decomposed and then transformed into strongly magnetic magnetite and maghemite.

2) Magnetization roasting classification: ① Magnetization roasting in stacking state; ② fluidized magnetization roasting; ③ Influence of cooling mode on magnetizing roasting of siderite.

2. High intensity magnetic separation process

Siderite or magnesium siderite has weak magnetism. Although the ore grade is low and the mineral composition is complex, hematite, limonite and other weak magnetic iron minerals including (magnesium) siderite can be successfully separated by high intensity magnetic separation technology.

3. Flotation process

There are two major flotation processes, namely, enrichment of iron by direct flotation and desilication by reverse flotation.

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